HSE is an acronym for Health, Safety and Environmental Management. HSE management involves managing, controlling and handling all aspects of health, safety and the environment in the petroleum industry – with the focus on major accident risk.
HSE certification as of today is regarded as one of the most significant certification training in several industries such as Oil & Gas, Marine, Manufacturing, Construction, Engineering, banking and finance etc.
This course provides you with the knowledge, skills and solid training in the theories and practices of occupational health and safety, emergency planning and environmental management. Participants will have the foundations to create, plan, implement, audit and evaluate programs in the areas of health and safety, emergency planning and environmental management systems.
Your HSE certification serves as your license as a Health and Safety professional. Health and safety is no doubt one of the best paid profession at present, but you will need to acquire relevant certifications that will give you an edge over other competitors for the limited but competitive opportunities that are available. Before you are recognized as a Health and safety professional and be able to compete for the limited opportunities, you have to follow a particular career path. Your career path will either enhance your progress in the profession or delay your progress.
A lot of people have been misled in their pursuit of career in Health and safety because of lack of useful information and guidance.
This article aims to be a guide to HSE professionals who have made some mistakes and upcoming professionals to help minimize the level of mistakes as they pursue a career in health.